Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Effects of Health Care Bill on Abortion

Yesterday, President Obama signed the health care bill into law.

This is a bill has been both a symptom and a cause of a state of political division in this country that has probably not existed to this extent since the Civil War. What is at stake is our economic survival as a nation and our individual freedoms.

The majority of Americans are against the health care bill, yet Congress and the president have ignored the wishes of the people and passed this bill anyway.

How will this law affect abortion?

There is a lot of attention to the issue of tax-payer funding of abortions that this law may facilitate, but there is another effect I think will be more important.

There is a political backlash brewing, not just because of the health care bill itself, but because of the attitude displayed by Congress and the president in ignoring the will of the people, and because of what this law is coming to symbolize, the destruction of individual freedoms in the United States by the growth of big government. That political backlash can bring conservatives into power in the 2012 and 2014 elections, and the result of that can be a conservative congress and president in 2015 that will be able to bring conservative justices into the Supreme Court who will help to overthrow Roe vs. Wade.

That is the big issue. Not federal funding of abortions, but Roe vs. Wade. As I point out in my "Whose Choice?" website, Roe vs. Wade is not based on the Constitution, and is a mistake that needs to be corrected.

Abortion advocates often call their position "pro-choice," but abortion is not the choice of the unborn children who are aborted, and it is not the choice of the nation as long as policy is dictated by a Supreme Court that itself refuses to submit to the Constitution.

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