Friday, November 27, 2009

Backlash Brewing - How It Can Effect Roe vs. Wade

With the unpopularity of some of President Obama's policies and the continued concern over the economy, there may be a voter backlash brewing that will bring Republican or conservative majorities into Congress in the 2010 elections about a year from now. And if that trend continues into the 2012 election, there may be a conservative president and congress that will bring conservative justices into the Supreme Court.

This can set the stage for Roe vs. Wade being overturned sometime after 2012.

When that happens, the battle over abortion will become more intense, because the issue will no longer be decided by the Supreme Court, but by the national and state legislatures. As I point out in my article Whose Choice? , the choice about abortion will be made by the people, the voters.

I named my article "Whose Choice?" to draw attention to two things: One, abortion is NOT "pro-choice" because it takes away every choice that the unborn baby can ever make in its life. But also, the choice of whether abortion should be legal in this country or not is being made by a Supreme Court that has exceeded the authority given it by the constitution and is basing its decisions on its own precedent rather than the constitution itself. The choice of whether abortion should be legal or not should be made by the people through their legislatures if we are to follow the constitution.

It that is exactly what will happen after Roe vs. Wade is overturned.

Before President Obama was elected, I had predicted that Roe vs. Wade will be overturned, and I still feel the same way.

I am convinced that Roe vs. Wade will be overturned.